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we love you (tight)

Occasionally I get to let my imagination run wild with a movie gag. This particular one was for a YouTube movie called We Love You. It is about 2 friends who work in a marketing firm and yada yada...

Anyway, they get their big break when a fictional music star hires them to brand and market his body spray. In this case Tight Bro Spray. Originally we called it Fist Mist, which we developed a bit and the fist punching it's way out of the box had to stay. As did the tagline... "Get off the stick, Get on the fist".  So here we have Tight, and the bottle has this yellow gold fist as a cap, and it needs a box. The script called for a bunch of these so I needed to create something that anyone on the crew could put together at crunch time. My background in package design comes in handy quite often.

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